About the Federation

Experts Without Borders is the World Federation of Experts.

Humanistic men of law were astonished when they discovered how many injustices could be avoided if a competent Expert could have been consulted.

They realized that very often, the choice of an Expert may present subjective factors such as the criteria used to assess the expertise and the risks ignored, for example, integrity and corruption.

They decided to bring a solution by founding Experts Without Borders in 2019, sharing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The Organization aims in particular to:

The Federation can propose to Courts of Law, Arbitration Courts, Governments, International Organization, Companies, and Law firms, the appropriate Expert in the relevant field.

Experts Without Borders accredits Experts who applied and successfully passed our robust selection and accreditation process.

Once accredited, they will be featured in the Federation’s Who’s Who of International Accredited Experts Directory.


Jacques Vialat​

President of honour

Marc Deschenaux

Member of the Executive Committee
Gilles Leraillé

Gilles Leraillé

Member of the Executive Committee

Mohamed Es Fih

Private & Public Partnerships Manager

Marie Majkowiez

Media Specialist

Hayet Bouzid

Business Development Officer
Member of the Executive Committee

Gilles Leraillé

Expert in Traceability

Christian Frampton

Chief Financial Officer

Christian Frampton

Chief Financial Office

Fu Che

Fu Che

Chairman Asia & China

Adrian Lecky

Adrian Lecky

Partner, President for USA Market

Marcus Lecky

Marcus Lecky

Partner, Vice President for USA Market