Advantages for Individuals to Become a Member
- Ease, rapidity and security to select our accredited Experts with:
- Long standing experience as Expert witness
- Documented fields of expertise
- Checked references & diplomas
- Excellent reputation
- Exclusive Experts Without Borders’ Rating
- Protection through the professional insurance coverage for all missions through Experts Without Borders
- Prevention of conflicts of interest
- International network
We propose to you accredited Experts in almost all sectors and domains.
To register as a member, please click on the button below.
Our Services
Registration Process
The Experts Without Borders Federation recognizes Individuals who agree and share our Code of Ethics & Conduct and our Articles of Association.
There is no registration fee nor a membership fee for the first year. However, some added value services can be proposed in addition to the basic services and charged independently and at the beginning of the second year, there will be a minimum yearly fee additionally charged.
To register as a member, please click on the button below.